For the purpose of running the club, it is necessary to record personal information in relation to future participants, current participants, staff and volunteers. In doing so, every effort is made to comply with the Data Protection Act 1988, in that personal information is:
Fairly and lawfully processed
Personal information is collected and recorded at the time a future gymnast joins a waiting list, when a gymnast joins a session and when a member of staff accepts a role within Cambourne Comets. The data is recorded on our membership spreadsheet which is maintained by the Head Coach. Necessary data is transferred to the hard copies of the session, accounts and registers for use in sessions by the Lead Coach.
Processed for specified purposes
Personal data is solely collected for club purposes e.g. to contact the family when a place arises, to allocate each gymnast a place in the appropriate session, to ascertain medical and/or learning issues that may affect participation in the session etc.
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Adequate and relevant personal data is collected at the time a participant joins the waiting list solely to aid the purpose of contacting the parent/carer at the time a place arises and allocating the participant a place in the appropriate class. At the time a participant joins a session; further details are requested relevant to ensuring their safe participation in the class e.g. emergency contact details etc. New staff members and volunteers are asked to complete a record sheet for the purpose of providing contact information and information related to payroll.
Accurate and kept up to date
Information is collected every year when membership is renewed and updates to information kept are made as soon as we are informed of changes.
Not kept for longer than is necessary
Personal data is deleted from the membership spreadsheet at the end of each term for those participants, staff and volunteers who have left Cambourne Comets and for those participants on the waiting list who have declined a place. Hard copies of the registers and record sheets for leaving members are also shredded at the end of each term.
Processed in line with the rights of the individual
Information stored is confidential and all those who have access to it are DBS checked.
Kept secure
The membership spreadsheet is maintained by the Head Coach and occasionally accessed with the their knowledge by members of the executive committee for club purposes. Any device used to save copies of the spreadsheet is kept securely and hard copies of the staff and participant record sheets are kept in lockable filing cabinets
As a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation that processes data purely for the purposes of establishing and maintaining membership, we are exempt from notification to the Information Commissioner.
Cambourne Comets Trampoline and DMT Club is the data controller and is committed to complying with our legal responsibilities under data protection law. We take your privacy seriously and will ensure your personal information is kept secure.
When we collect, use, share, retain or do anything else with your personal information (known collectively as ‘processing’) we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and are responsible as ‘controller’ of your information.
This notice applies to you if you are:
We have a separate notice which provides privacy information relating to employees.
It is important that you read this carefully as it contains key information about how we use your personal data and your associated rights.
Cambourne Comets Trampoline and DMT Club is a ‘not for profit’ membership organisation. Our members are gymnasts or the parents/carers (if the gymnast is a child). We provide the opportunity for our members to participate in our activities, which include recreational classes, training, camps, competitions, squads and other similar gymnastics activities.
We register with British Gymnastics who govern the sport, provides membership benefits for clubs and individual members and offers competitions and events. It is a condition of British Gymnastics club registration that all our club members are registered as individual members of British Gymnastics.
Cambourne Comets Trampoline and DMT Club and British Gymnastics are joint controllers for the personal data shared for British Gymnastics membership purposes.
You can find full details about how British Gymnastics collects and uses your personal data in the British Gymnastics privacy notices, which you can find at
Cambourne Comets Trampoline and DMT Club also affiliates to ECGA (Eastern Counties Gymnastics Association) who runs competitions and events in which we may participate.
The categories of personal data we process include:
The above information is essential for us to provide your membership and along with a unique username, will be provided to British Gymnastics if we complete the British Gymnastics registration process on your behalf.
If you are a competitive gymnast, we record other information about you to support your training and participation in competition such as:
If you attend an event or trip with the club, we will also collect the following information where relevant:
We use the information we hold about you for a variety of purposes which are outlined below. Data protection law requires us to tell you what our legal reason is for each purpose.
Contractual purposes
When you ask us to provide you a service, such as club membership, gymnastics classes, competitions, trips or other activities, or you buy a product from us, we usually need to use information about you to provide this product or service, for example:
We do so because it is necessary for the performance of a contract.
Legal obligations
We have a duty of care to ensure it is safe for you or your child to take part in gymnastics activity and to keep you/them safe while participating. Some individuals may be at risk of harm from participating in gymnastics activity as a result of a pre-existing condition. It is vital that you let us know if there is any reason why taking part in gymnastic activity may be unsafe prior to participation. With your agreement, we will review any information you provide and undertake risk assessments in consultation with yourself and any appropriate trained professionals e.g. medical consultants. When we ask participants to provide relevant health information such as details of medical conditions, medication needs, allergies or injuries, this is because we have a legal obligation.
If you are a selected for a role at the club, we will usually obtain a reference from any appropriate organisations or individual you have nominated.
When you tell us about any special needs such as disabilities or other support information, we may use relevant information to comply with our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. We will review any information you have provided to help us identify any actions we can take to support inclusion. We may need to ask you for more information to help us to best meet you or your child’s needs. We will keep a record of any steps we taken to support inclusion.
If you are wishing to volunteer or work for us, we may ask you to complete a criminal record check as we have a legal obligation to do so. We jointly control the checking process with British Gymnastics who is responsible for the assessment of any content on the check and will only share information with us where it is appropriate. For example, if you are considered by British Gymnastics to be unsuitable to take on the role, we may share relevant and proportionate information about criminal offences where it is deemed that while you are not considered unsuitable to take on the role, if it is considered necessary for safeguarding purposes.
When we retain information about you, even after you are no longer taking part in gymnastics activity, this is often because we are required to do so by law such as records we are required to keep for business and accounting purposes. Sometimes we are also legally obliged to share information about you with third parties. More information it provided below.
Legitimate interests:
We rely on legitimate interests for the following purposes:
We have carried out a legitimate interest assessment (LIA) to ensure that the above processing is necessary and is carried out in a way that ensures a balance between the club’s interests and your individual interests, rights and freedoms with appropriate safeguards, especially to protect the interest of data subjects who are children. We can provide details of these assessments on request.
You have a right to object to the use of your information for any purposes we undertake based on legitimate interests. Further information is provided in the section below on individual rights.
We rely on consent in the following circumstances:
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, which you may do by contacting us using the contact details below. It may take up to 21 days for this to take place.
Special categories of personal data
Special categories of personal data are a category of information that is more sensitive and requires greater protection. Some of the information we process falls into this category (e.g. health/medical data or any information you provide to us about a disability or your religion, race or gender identity). It is unlawful for organisations to process this type of information unless an additional legal condition applies. We will only process this type of information if one of the following applies:
• Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition.
• Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk.
• Standards of behaviour in Sport.
• Anti-doping in Sport.
We share information about you with the following recipients (or categories of recipients) for the following reasons.
We may also share information with other organisations to safeguard children. Any information that is shared will be strictly limited to what is required to ensure children are protected from harm and will be carried out in accordance with the law and relevant government guidance.
All service providers are contractually required to ensure your information is secure and cannot use this information for their own purposes. Where we are required to share information with them to provide the service, we only disclose information that is necessary to deliver the service.
We will not keep your personal data for longer than we need it for the purpose for which it is used. Different retention periods apply for different types of personal data.
Video footage that has only been taken for coaching purposes will be retained only for as long as it is required for that purpose and in most cases, will be deleted within one month.
Photographs and other video footage captured for promotional purposes will be retained for up to 4 years old. After this time, they will be deleted unless we consider them to be of public interest and should consequently be archived for historical purposes. Where images have been published on social media, these platform providers may continue to process your data after the retention period has lapsed.
Additional information that has been provided solely for the purpose of participating in a specific activity will be deleted after the event.
If you do not renew your membership or cease to have a relationship with the club, we will usually delete any information you provided within two years. We will retain any financial/accounting records for seven years. Some records, such as incident reports are retained for longer periods in line with claims limitation periods.
Following the end of the of the relevant retention period, we will delete or anonymise your personal data.
We will not transfer or store your personal data outside the UK.
You have important rights under data protection law. In summary these include:
• Any processing based on legitimate interests The right to object is specific to the data subject’s particular situation. We will stop processing your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, which override your individual interests, rights and freedoms or we need to continue to process your information in connection with a legal claim.
• Your personal information being used for direct marketing activities
Visit the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to learn more about your rights.
To exercise any of your rights or if you have any questions about our privacy notice please contact: The club administrator at
While we hope to be able to resolve any concerns you have about the way that we are processing your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you believe your data has been processed in a way that does not comply with the GDPR or have any wider concerns about our compliance with data protection law. You can do so by calling the ICO helpline on 0303 123 1113 or via their website
We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine reason to need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will inform you and the ICO of any personal data breaches in line with our legal obligations.
We keep our privacy notice under regular review. This privacy notice was published on 22nd August 2017 and last updated on 14th August 2024. We may change this privacy notice from time to time by updating this page.